
180 Global Website Redesign

A mobile first site redesign from the ground up. The UX process required collaboration with key stakeholders from around the globe. Requisite deliverables included website audits, inventories, analytics evaluation, competitive comparative analysis, wire flows, taxonomy, sitemap, prototype and a creative concept that would reflect 180 thinking: to see the world not as it is but how it could be.

Team: Nelly Altimirano, Analytics. Jefferson Wu, Creative Technologist. Toon Leysen and Caspar Bock, Design/Art Direction. Stacey Savage, UX/UI Design and Research.

Team: Nelly Altimirano, Analytics. Jefferson Wu, Creative Technologist. Toon Leysen and Caspar Bock, Design/Art Direction. Stacey Savage, UX/UI Design and Research.

_mobile concept.jpg
_livestreamdt concept.jpg
_wall mobile.jpg
Phase II: Integrating the "Shift Key"

Phase II: Integrating the "Shift Key"

00_50_LANDING EXPERIENCE (versatile) copy.png
01_50_ABOUT EXPERIENCE (philosophy).png
01_50_ABOUT EXPERIENCE (Capabilities).png
01_50_ABOUT EXPERIENCE (accolades).png
01_50_ABOUT EXPERIENCE (leadership).png
01_50_ABOUT EXPERIENCE (offices).png
01_50_ABOUT EXPERIENCE (press contact).png